Currency Settings

Currency Settings

AP > Common > Basic Settings > General > Currency settings

Manage currency symbol #

The currency symbol is a monetary sign that is shown next to prices, for example – $, €, £, ¥, ₽. You can easily replace the default symbol by pasting the one you need in the field and clicking Save.

Manage currency code #

The currency code, for example, USD, or EURO indicates a currency used on the site for all transactions. Codes used in payment gateways must comply with ISO 4717. To change the code on your site simply replace the default one with the one you need and click Save.

NOTE: You can use a particular currency at a time, that is, you cannot use two different currencies on the site simultaneously. Make sure the currency you use on your site is supported by the gateway. That is, if your payment gateway collects payments in US dollars then you should use USD and $ accordingly.

Set a currency symbol position #

The currency symbol can be positioned either before or after the price, depending on the country you’re targeting, for example, $ 5.00 or 5.00 ¥.

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