Flynax affiliate program is a program which allows you to earn money online by generating Flynax classifieds software sales. This affiliate program allows you to promote and sell Flynax classifieds software through your affiliate link.
Flynax affiliate program has built-in interface for affiliates where they get unique affiliate links, sales statistics, banners and etc. Flynax provides affiliates with all necessary affiliate tools to earn money online by selling its classifieds software.
You as a Flynax affiliate may place your unique affiliate link or a banner on your site, add it in your forum signature or into your emails which you may send to your friends. This will increase the number of potential buyers so you may quickly earn more money online.
When a visitor comes to Flynax’s official web site through your link the affiliate system tracks this visit and records it so you may see that record in the Flynax affiliate interface. If that visitor won’t buy classifieds software during his first visit but will make it next time the system will record it and you will see that in your statistics.
Flynax affiliate program is a great and unique opportunity to quickly earn money online.
So you only have to start earn money online with Flynax affiliate program today.
Register your affiliate account here.
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