Flynax is glad to announce a release of a new template for General classifieds software – General Simple Template. The new template is designed for general classifieds websites but also can be used for any other Flynax classifieds scripts.
General Simple template is presented in 3 colors: green, dark blue and red colors. It gives you an opportunity to make a choice and choose the most appropriate color scheme for your classifieds website. This template is also a freestyle layout as it comes without shadows, gradient and rounded angles and all other charm of CSS3. If you a web designer or developer and decide to customize your template then this General Simple template is the right choice. Just add shadows, gradient, change the colors plus a bit of CSS3 and you will get your unique and interesting template.
The new Flynax General Simple template also presents a mobile version of this desktop template that is available in three colors such as green, dark blue and red colors.
By the way all versions of the General Simple template such as desktop and mobile support RTL text orientation. Check the live demo of the mobile version of this new template.
The new template has some features that we would like to describe in details:
1. MORE Dropdown
MORE Dropdown is in the main menu of the template, it collects all elements of the menu that are not fitted into width of the main menu. This useful feature will come to help if you have a lot of elements in your menu. |
2. Preliminary search for listings
This quick search for listings is a convenient feature that will simplify a search for listings by keywords for your users. The ancestor of this kind of search is the same search ability that was implemented in the General Sky template. But this version is totally optimized and improved. |
3. Alphabetic search for categories This feature is also a useful feature with the help of that a user can quickly find the necessary category without wasting time and looking for that at your website. This alphabetic search uses AJAX and does not increase and page load. |
4. Categories Masonry view
The new view of displaying categories on the main page is called as stonework (masonry). This is the modern and convenient way of displaying of sections from different height dimension. In distinction from category displaying in other templates this new view displays categories in the well structured view without leaving empty spaces between category sections. |
5. Advertisement block in the category structure
This is a new and pilot feature that sets banners or Google AdSense in the structure of categories on the main page of your website. This feature requires the update of the Banner Plugin to the version 2.2.0 that will be available on the 20th of December this year. |
6. New displaying of listings in grid view
Gallery View is the new view of displaying listings in grid. Now listings are displayed in 3 columns with this new look that allows you to set more listings on a page and makes it comfortable for browsing listings by users. Also we hid the statistics data and details on plugins that may hinder to users. But you can find this data and details by hovering a mouse to a listing. The price tag was also marked and now it is more noticeable. |
7. Sharing/Bookmarks in details of listings This features allows your users to share information about listings at your classifieds website to major social networks and online bookmark services. There is also marked a price tag that is one more convenient thing which makes the price noticeable at a glance. |
8. Footer Features Footer Features: – New footer menu that is arranged by columns where the system automatically assign elements of the menu among three columns. This makes the displaying of the menu modern and up-to-date. This feature allows to display a big number of links in the menu. – Icon of Subscribing to RSS. If a page has its own feed that the link to feed will be available by this icon. In case a page does not have own feed then icon will lead to the feed with website news. – Facebook Like and Twitter buttons. This is the need-be feature for all websites on the net. With this nowadays attributes you may get your piece of cake and get your ratings in these famous services. Feel free to try live demo with this new Flynax template! |
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