Flynax is glad to announce the release of the the new plugin – Similar Listings. Similar listings plugin is a simple but quite useful and needed feature for your classifieds website especially if you have a giant website with a lot of listings.

Similar listings plugin features:

  • Adds a block for similar listings on listing’s details page
  • Sets criteria of listings’ similarity for a category
  • Relevant selection regime for giant websites

Similar listings plugin adds a special block with similar listings into the sidebar on a page with listing’s details of your classifieds website. The plugin chooses listings alike to a listing which is browsed by a user. The criteria of resembling can be added and extended by an administrator of your classifieds website through simple adding of fields to a specially created form of a category. On default the block shows listings chosen from the same category as a listing which is browsed by a user.

If your website is giant and has a lot of listings you may help your users to make the right choice by switching on the option for relevant selection and adding fields into the form of the main category, let’s see as an example Auto classifieds script: color, wagon type, year of production or condition. Thus your website users may see the maximum of similar listings in stock on your website in other words you may give your users the freedom of choice.

This version of the plugin is beta, we wait for your feedback at the forum here.