When visitors land on your classifieds site and start browsing it, there always comes a time when some of them wish to contact a seller about an item, leave a comment, post their own ad, buy or book an item. These actions demand that a user goes through a registration to create a profile. Unfortunately for many webmasters, it is during this step that many users choose to abandon the website unwilling to spend time filling in all the fields to create an account.

To help you retain your visitors and increase the number of sign-ups, we are rolling out a long-awaited Social Network Login plugin. In times when almost everyone has an account in at least one or more social networks, the plugin will allow users to momentarily become members of your website by logging in with a preferred network.

Social network login plugin

Supported Social Logins

As of now, the social login plugin supports four most popular social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Google and Vkontakte. We are planning to add Instagram later when it offers full authentication support of third-party servers. For now, we are certain that the four options cover most of the users who are likely to have an account with at least one of them.

Benefits for your Website

With the plugin installed, users who do not have the time to go through a registration process will be given an option to log in quickly by choosing a preferred social network. This will decrease abandonment rates as people increasingly use their social networks for the social login. Having logged in via social networks, a user will be able to contact other members, post ads, buy packages or membership plans and perform the same actions as any other user irrespective of the login method. Users who have become members on your website via social login can always go back to their profile and update it with more information later.

We believe that the Social Network Login plugin is a must-have for classifieds sites. Virtually every major website that requests registration offers a Social Login option along with it. By offering your users the option of a Social Login, you will be making registration easier while increasing the number of user sign-ups on your website.

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