Not so many technologies spread so fast as computers and the Internet. These information technologies are the universal attributes of modern social and economic life, they show new opportunities and perspectives for Americans. In our days more and more Americans use not only the Internet and computers at home, but decide with help of them different tasks at work, at school and in other places. Recently, the use of computers and the Internet by Americans has increased significantly.
Growth rates of Internet usage in the United States is 245 million users according to Internet World Stats. On-line more than a half of a country works now. Internet usage is growing, regardless of income, education, age, race, ethnicity and gender.While 80 percent of Americans search in the Internet via dial-up service, the use of broadband is growing rapidly.
Americans go online for the widening circle of activities. 45 percent of the population are now e-mail, compared with 35 percent in 2010. Approximately one-third of Americans use the Internet to find information about goods and services with help of classifieds websites like Ebay, Craiglist and others. Classifieds websites are very popular in our days because of the demand on web-services.
Among the Internet users 39 percent of people are shopping online, while 35 percent of those are searching health information. Use of the Internet and computers at work contributed to a higher level of their use at home.
According to the Pew Internet&American Life research center, 55 % of all adult Americans use mobile phones for Internet access. It is also noted in the study, that 47 % of respondents chose laptops and notebooks to access the Internet, using Wi-Fi networks or mobile broadband. Only 59 % of Americans are connected to the Internet using a non-wire and wireless connection through phone or laptop.Traditionally, the most active users of mobile Internet services are young people aged from 18 till 29 years, although the most active growth demonstrates the older group. 76 % of Americans use mobile phones to make photos, 72 % -for text messaging, 34 % – for mobile games- 34 % for video recording, 33 % -for listening to music. In 2010 more than 22 million people surf the Internet. It’s about 2/3 of the US population (71%). eMarket researchers support that by 2014, the number of Internet users will climb as high 250 million to more than 77% of the people living in the US.
Since the Internet is developing every day, the number of users is growing every day too. Everyone can find suitable information in the shortest time without any effort. There are a lot of companies which develop classifieds software for making classifieds websites. Some of them provide not only software at affordable price but with timely support which help freshmen to create and run classifieds websites. Like Flynax which specializes in classifieds software development and offers the top notch classifieds software for creating classifieds websites.