link-exchangeLink Exchange is one of the most effective ways to promote your classifieds site in search systems like Google, Yahoo, Bing and others.

Link exchange is simplest and sometimes more affordable in comparison to paid advertising ways for promotion of a classifieds website on the Internet. Using this method of SEO promotion for your classifieds website powered by Flynax, you will not only affect the positions of your site, but also improve its search index. This is free in most cases while you are not going to buy paid links which may be valued as breaking search engine rules and counted as black hat promotion in SEO world.

But at first let’s find out, what does “link exchange” mean? Link exchange – is a mechanism that is aimed to increase the popularity of a web site in search engine systems.

Direct links have a positive effect. This is a way to leading positions in search results. One of the most important criteria of search engine index is the number of links on the site. But here is the trick, those links should be from trusted websites, because search engines now review and value almost every inbound links to the site. To promote your classifieds site in search engines and get good results on request, it is necessary to use different text as the link text, while relevant to the original. There are a lot of ways how to do it, but pay attention that you get links not from relevant to your niche websites and of course no adult otherwise you may get a punishment and loose your position in search engines.

In the past people do links exchange in these ways. For example here are some of them: manual and automatic. Manual way of link exchange was an effortful process. It was necessary to find sites and ask them to exchange links with you. After finding the site for link exchange, you were needed to add a link manually on your website. Another way was an automatic way of link exchange which allowed simplifying the exchange of links with other sites. The system of the automatic exchange allowed you not only to choose the participant sites, but also had control over the links and the participant sites through software. People used these and other ways to influence on search engines by buying paid links or making link farms with different websites which had direct links to their websites. Taking into account that some web sites had not relevant content and put a crimp into the way of providing a relevant content for Internet users people behind of search engines decided to counteract this. Since that time links exchange was counted as spammy way of web site promotion and when a website had a page with links search engines punished them by decreasing search results for that web site.

Keep in mind that automatic way of links exchange comes to black hat promotion which cannot be used for a good classified website. This is clear that Internet users should get what they look for but in the same time webmasters need to find out the ways to let them know about their websites and provide what they need without breaking rules which were set by search engines. The best way is to get links from trusted web sites with relevant content to your website in normal and human way. For example if you have something interesting at your website or classifieds are unique or cheap and cannot be found at others websites you maybe mentioned by a blogger in his blog post with link to your website or included into a text with information about your region where your site belongs to. On the other hand you need to let others know about your website in other words get your message across the Internet.
There are can be different ways to make your site interesting and useful for your users and get links from trusted websites and do so called links exchange but in new format when your website is interested not for you but your users and other webmasters value it in the same way and that’s why put link to your website.

So following the rules of search engines and avoiding spammy methods for links exchange and do it in the right ways where people will get what they want you may get benefits by receiving good positions in search results.