Link building strategy combines different ways and methods of getting back links from other websites to yours. I already posted about link exchange and now I would like to share some information on directory submission with you that may help you achieve high ranking.
Quality directory submission is one of the methods of getting back links from directories. You should keep in mind that this is not a black hat method in SEO unless you submit your website’s link to irrelevant and so called trash directories, because Google and other search engines evaluate each link you get from other website. It is about your “friends” who share and “recommend” you for people and bots. So before submitting a link to a directory you should check whether it has the relevant category for your website and of course check PR and make other checks to be sure that the directory does not belong to a satellite network or link farm otherwise you may get penalty from the big “G”. Think logically why you need to submit your link to a directory with sellers for example carpets if your classifieds website belongs to auto classifieds niche.
What you need is to create a one way link for your classifieds website. Avoid reciprocal and paid links try to find an honest directory that recommends websites and does not require to add a reciprocal link from your website. Imagine that your website is new and have a lot of reciprocal links to other websites/directories it may influence on a search engine decision in applying sanctions to your website. Google apply sanctions to directories with paid links and that belong to link farms or satellite networks, because they violate Google rules. That is right Google tries to make search results clean from spam and links that are sponsored or appear because of fraud.
So follow these simple tips and look for niche directories to submit your classifieds website.
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