Flynax releases a new version of the Massmailer and Newsletter plugin that has been adjusted to Flynax classifieds scripts version 4. This new version of the Massmailer and Newsletter plugin presents new developments that make the use of the plugin more needed for classifieds websites. Now sending mass mails from your classifieds website can become an easy thing with this plugin.
What features the Massmailer and Newsletter plugin:
– There are an unlimited number of mass mails can be created
– Users may subscribe or unsubscribe just directly from front-end of the website or email
– You can send personal messages to users
This plugin is a comfortable tool to manage mass mails at your classifieds website and keep your site users informed about anything. For example you may send messages with special offers, news or any other information you want them to know. Your users can easily subscribe to get newsletters at a specially designed block at the main page of your website or unsubscribe from front-end or using a link in a letter. You can even send messages to users whose contacted you through the contact from, thus cover all site users.
As for the technical side the Massmailer and Newsletter plugin works in the following way it sends message by message time after time with the help of AJAX thus decreases the chance for message to get into SPAM.
So start use this renewed plugin and let know your site users about anything you want.
You may download this plugin free of charge from the Customer Area.