Black Friday is finally here, and we would like to participate in a yearly sale event that many of our customers have being waiting for. If you are looking to start a car classifieds site, a real estate market place or an escort agency, or any other type of classifieds platform, now is the right time to make a move. To get you in the holiday spirit, we have prepared a great deal for you. If you don’t have time to read and wish to buy right now, simply use BLACK17 and grab your 30% discount right now!
To make sure that you have enough time to make a decision, we have combined Black Friday and Cyber Monday, so our promo starts now and will run for three days straight including Monday. Keep reading to find out what we have prepared for you!
Become a new customer!
If you’ve been looking into Flynax classifieds platform, there’s no better time to buy it than during the Black Friday Promo. If you purchase the software now, you’ll save as much as $58.50 and get a feature-packed script with 43 free plugins and a month of free support. Use BLACK17 promo and claim your 30% discount right now!
Buy more, save more!
For many of our customers, software alone is not enough; they are looking at premium templates, native mobile apps for IOS and Android, premium plugins and a range of other products that can enhance the script. With a 30% promo, your savings will be significant, so if you’re considering Flynax script + a bundle of other products, you can save big by joining in the Black Friday promo.
Existing customers
We haven’t forgotten about our existing customers either, and a 30% discount is also available to anyone who is already running Flynax-powered classifieds portal. If you were thinking of enhancing your website with premium Plugins, switching to one of our premium templates or boosting your SEO rankings with our powerful SEO pack you can do so during the Black Friday promo and save big on your purchase.
Black Friday/Cyber Monday promo starts right now and will last all through Monday, so make sure you make up your mind and purchase while the promo is valid. We’d like you to join an amazing holiday season and wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving!