When you run a classifieds business, you know that sharing ads from your site on your social network profiles will get more users to notice them. However, if you have hundreds of ads on your website and new ones are added regularly, sharing each ad manually may become tiring and time-consuming.

Automatically post ads to social networks!

To help you take full control of ads sharing, we are introducing the Auto Poster Plugin that, when activated, will automatically post ads from your site to Administrator’s Facebook and Twitter profiles. As the name suggests, the Plugin shares all of the ads automatically once your site members post them on your website and you only need to configure it one time.

How the Plugin works

When building the Plugin, we took a lot of factors into consideration, mainly how your ads will look in different social networks. We wanted to make sure that you have full control over the ad description in social networks, and with this in mind, we created a pattern template both for Facebook and Twitter. The pattern template, according to which the ad is formatted is based on variables and fields which are substituted by real values when the ad is posted.

You can find this pattern template under each of the parent category and customize it by adding variables and building your own custom titles and description for ads. Furthermore, you can build custom titles and description for each of the category by placing the variables in the order that you wish.
Auto poster plugin settings
For example, you want the price to be shown first and then the make of the car or vice versa; by changing the order or variables and adding your own descriptive message to each category, you can get a custom template that fully meets your requirements.

Configuration and Setup

In order to sync the Plugin with your Facebook and Twitter accounts, you will need to create an App ID in the social networks. You do this by filling in the form and answering a series of questions. As a result, you get an App ID, app secret and other information that you use to configure the Plugin in backend. Once you have all the required info, you may navigate to AutoPoster Plugin manager in Flynax back end and enter the data that you have received from the social networks.

Why you need it

The audience of major social networks reaches millions of active users, most of which spend at least an hour each day on average browsing different pages. Social networks are no longer just a way of keeping in touch with your friends; major companies have business pages with millions of users and businesses communicate with customers by means of their business pages.

If you have a Twitter profile with over hundreds of followers and a Facebook business page, you can expand a reach for your ads by posting them in social networks. This way, they will be viewed by many more people, some of which may be potential buyers who will navigate to your website to learn more about a particular listing.

Moreover, users of social networks tend to like and share the posts, which will make them visible to their circles of friends getting more and more people to notice them. We believe that Auto Poster is a highly useful Plugin that will benefit your classifieds business.

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