This Sunday (August 13), we are celebrating a 10-year anniversary of Flynax. It seems like it was yesterday that we started working on a script, but it’s been 10 years since then. For now, we would like to recap on how that time went by and what we have managed to achieve.

Flynax 10 year anniversary

How it all began

Back in 2006, the future company’s owner was researching the market trying to see potential in classifieds business. After a year of hard work, the script was ready and 2007 was the year when was officially live. The initial software was piloted on several classifieds owners whose classifieds sites became immensely successful. This was a clear and obvious sign that there was untapped potential for classifieds business; and in 2007, two more people joined the company and continued working on the script. It’s hard to believe but 10 years back, Flynax was staffed by three people only who believed they could secure a niche in the growing classifieds market.


Everything is evolving and Flynax today is nothing like it was 10 years ago. During 10 years of hard work, we were constantly rebuilding the script by fixing bugs, adding new features in order to comply with today’s market requirements. Today, we may proudly state that our script is reliable, responsive and fully flexible. More importantly, hundreds of our customers are proving that by their successful classifieds portals. Apart from the script, the size of the company changed as well and grew up to 20 professionals working full-time to make the script even better.

Driven by Passion

We believe that we became who we are today because when we started working on the script, we were not doing it for the money that it could bring us, rather because we love doing what we do and we did it with passion and enthusiasm. Besides, at that time, we were not fully certain that our venture would prove to be financially viable, more so, it didn’t matter to us at that time. 10 years have gone by and we have still kept this attitude, everyone in our company is passionate about what he or she does and people who only care about a paycheck rather than their work don’t last long in our company. This kind of attitude helped us build up a team of dedicated, like-minded professionals who genuinely love working at Flynax.

Future Outlook

Although we have been working on the script for 10 years, we realize that something intangible as software can never be perfect and complete. Just as a top-of-the-line computer today will be a mediocre one in a year or two, we realize that the work on our software is never-ending and it is always exciting to keep up with current design and software trends and ensure that our script fully meets them. We have a long list of features, plugins and improvements, which we are regularly adding to our script and there are many more to be added.

Thank you

We realize that everything we have today wouldn’t be possible without our loyal customers. The biggest reward for us is realizing that our script helps your business grow. Your support means a lot to us and you inspire us to add features that improve our software for thousands of people. Since birthdays are about giving and receiving presents, we have prepared something for you too. If you’ve read this blogpost till the end, that means you’re just the customer we need. To celebrate together, we’re giving you a 25% discount on all Flynax products – and this discount isn’t announced anywhere but on this blogpost. Use “happybirthdayflynax” promo code and save big on your purchase within the next 3 days.

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