Craigslist is a major classifieds portal popular not only in the United States but also in 70 other countries. Covering virtually all of classified categories, Craigslist attracts millions of users looking for job ads, car classifieds, services and a multitude of other items to sell or to buy. Many of our customers and prospects turned to us with requests to customize our script to imitate Craigslist, and seeing the growing interest in Craigslist among our customers, we decided to make a fully-fledged Craigslist Clone Script.
Craigslist Clone Concept
When creating the Craigslist clone, we didn’t blindly mirror Craigslist by creating a spitting image clone; rather, we took the core features, which users are accustomed to, and added a few of our own touches to slightly enhance the functionality so that you could take the best from the clone script and at the same time maintain individuality.
Craigslist Clone Demo
The best way to get acquainted with our Craigslist clone is to visit a demo and take our Craigslist clone to a sandbox, where you may get a better idea of how your future site may look like based on our clone.
Key Features
When working on the Craigslist clone, our main goal was not only to clone the pages and key features of Craigslist but also add some of our enhancements to boost the clone functionality and add a personal touch. Below is a snapshot of the features and enhancements offered by our Craigslist clone:
- General Classifieds encompassing most popular categories;
- Responsive template in line with current design standards;
- Aside from regular search, users can search on the Maps;
- Our original Plugins to extend the clone functionality.
Innovative theme
We’ve made the template even more developer friendly. The template style sheets have been completely rewritten based on Sass style sheet pre-processor. The styles have been structured and arranged into logical groups as directories and files, which makes it a lot easier for developers to customize the template. Developing and modifying the template is simplified with the use of mixins and variables styles.
Earn with Craigslist Clone
Craigslist earns money by charging users for posting job ads, car or therapeutic service ads. Our Craigslist clone comes with a range of payment providers preintegrated that you can also use to charge users for posting ads. Added to that, our Craigslist clone offers you an extended subscription functionality allowing you to set up different listing packages and membership plans. All of the subscription options can be added from back end in a matter of a few clicks. If you wish you may launch your site and make it completely free for users and monetize it later.
Boost your Craigslist clone
Our Craigslist clone is much more than just a template. It is a fully-fledged classifieds site with a nice-looking design that fully complies with today’s trends and standards. You may further strengthen our Craigslist clone functionality with a number of free and premium Plugins.
As we keep working on developing clones of popular classifieds portals, we gain more experience and may proudly claim that our Craigslist clone is the ultimate solution for your classifieds business. Most importantly, with our original features and plugins added to the clone, you’ll be able to get a head start and distinguish your site from your competitors.
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