We’ve recently updated our Auto Poster plugin, which enables you to post ads from your classifieds site or marketplace to both Facebook business pages and groups. However, the real headline is our Team’s extensive effort in updating the Guide for posting ads on Facebook. Updating the Guide took us so long and was taken by our Team as an epic quest. We had to use an extraordinary approach to get information from the Facebook team and ensure the plugin functionality.

We tried to make the guide comprehensive, offering step-by-step instructions backed up by numerous screenshots for your ease of setup.

In conjunction with the updated Guide, we’re thrilled to introduce version 1.7.1 of the Auto Poster plugin. This update is entirely focused on resolving issues and bugs, and offers the following fixes:

  • Fixed all reported bugs within the Facebook module;
  • Fixed a minor pricing issue in published listings;
  • Enhanced logic for obtaining chat IDs within the Telegram module.