Lately, we’ve been getting more and more requests for a jobs board script. This trend has become a clear indication of the growing interest in online employment software. Although our main product already includes the basic jobs functionality, we are still considering creating professional or specialized script that would meet the requirements of fully-fledged jobs board software.

The Jobs Board section in our current Software

As we mentioned above our software already includes the Jobs Board section. Some of our users, who liked the functionality of our software and plugins, converted it into jobs boads by disabling the other listing types, leaving just one, and making some minor adjustments. After analyzing the functionality of our current script, in particular the Jobs Listing Type, we identified the following key features that may be useful to you when creating a job site:

Multifile upload field. The new upload field allows users to upload a few files of different formats to provide more details to potential employers, which gives more flexibility to your jobs board.

Vacancy and resume module. The module features flexible management of sections, which provides a clear division between vacancy and resume categories on the site.

Configurable fields. You can always manage the existing fields or add new fields to resume and vacancy forms to meet the requirements of your project.

News module. You can easily share news and updates in the area of employment on the site in a separate news block.

Adaptive price/salary field. We’re working to improve the functionality of the price/salary field to ensure maximum user convenience. In particular, we plan to add such values as ‘from – to’, ‘negotiable’, and ‘ask the employer’.

Getting closer to creating jobs board software

As our script evolves and gets more functionality we open more opportunities for launching new products without putting excessive effort into their development. We believe we reached the point where we can start a new product that will be useful to our customers and prospects. At this stage, we are exploring the demand for professional jobs board software and we would gladly listen to your feedback.

One thought on “Thoughts About Professional Jobs Board Software”

  • Hello,
    I like this and I am thinking about a feature where someone say for example is looking a plumber to do work they can post there request and have someone accept or bid for the job.

    To be honest I think you should combine the service script with the job script and you will have the perfect platform.

    1. Employers can post job vacancies from Summer Jobs to Career Jobs
    2. People looking work can submit resume or submit there skill
    3. and for those people offering one day or 7 days service/jobs then this platform should be able to accommodate that.

    I personally would go with the Service Script then add to other listing types for Vacancies and Resume.

    I wouldn’t go for Jobs only Script

    Email me and tell me what you think

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