Thoughts on Task Bidder, a new module for the Service Booking script

When we released the Service Booking script, some of you provided critical comments about the missing functionality that would make the script more valuable. Firstly, we would like to thank all our users who have participated in testing the Service Booking software and sharing their thoughts on our new product. Secondly, we’re trying to put all your comments and our thoughts together to come up with a specification for the new module/plugin that will allow pros/service providers to place bids on tasks.

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Black Friday & Cyber Monday 2023

The 2023 Black Friday Promo starts now! Grab a 40% discount on our Classified Ads Scripts and premium add-ons. Enhance your project with more plugins and themes at a massive discount!

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A New OpenAI Plugin for Classifieds Software in Process

Following the overwhelming positive feedback from our customers after the recent blog post about integrating the OpenAI service into our classifieds software, we’ve initiated the development of a new plugin. The OpenAI integration will allow your users to generate listing descriptions based on cutting-edge AI technology and get them translated into other languages. Scheduled for release by the end of the year, the new plugin will offer customizable settings to tailor the description generation process.

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Latest Auto Poster version + New Guide for Posting Ads on FB

We’ve recently updated our Auto Poster plugin, which enables you to post ads from your classifieds site or marketplace to both Facebook business pages and groups. However, the real headline is our Team’s extensive effort in updating the Guide for posting ads on Facebook. Updating the Guide took us so long and was taken by our Team as an epic quest. We had to use an extraordinary approach to get information from the Facebook team and ensure the plugin functionality.

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We started a digest to keep our customers and prospects updated

Hello Everybody! We’ve just launched a new category on the Flynax blog, called Digest. We plan to publish weekly digests, possibly more often, in order to keep you in the loop about the latest things taking place in the development of our classifieds software, plugins, and templates.

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Landing Pages – New Plugin for Classified Ads Script

Today we want to tell you about our new plugin – Landing Pages. The Landing Pages plugin is another powerful SEO tool in the Flynax arsenal offered as a premium plugin. Despite the simplicity of the use, the Plugin is very efficient in the promotion of listings/products on marketplaces and classified ads sites. The Landing Pages allows you to generate numerous SEO-friendly pages tailored to both high and low-frequency keywords filtered by city, country, and other parameters.

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Safe Deals for Marketplaces and Classified Ads Sites

When selling or purchasing goods and services online, there is always a risk of losing money or buying a product that does not correspond to the description. To mitigate these issues and safeguard the interests of buyers, we have introduced an update to the Shopping Cart and Auction plugin, featuring a new module called “Safe Deal.” This module allows you to enable escrow-like deals on your website when it is used in conjunction with the Stripe payment gateway.

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How to enable messaging App icons for phone fields

Today more and more people prefer to use messaging Apps to communicate with each other instead of built-in chats and emails. That is why enabling such messaging Apps as WhatsApp, Telegram, and Viber on the site is becoming an increasingly important and relevant decision. Transferring communication to messengers improves communication between users, increases responsiveness, and allows users to quickly get answers and make decisions. In this article, we will look at one of the frequently asked questions from our users: How to enable messenger icons in our classified ads software, version 4.9.2.

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Service Booking Script Released

Hello everyone! Today marks an extraordinary milestone in the history of our Company. We are thrilled to unveil our latest product – the Service Booking Script. It is not just a copy of our script with some minor adjustments. We tried to add the most wanted and important industry-related features that will allow you to start a fully-fledged portal for booking services online. Meet the first revision of the Service Booking Script!

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Flynax 4.9.2 – Classified Ads Script Update

Today we’re releasing a forced update – Flynax 4.9.2. We had to start working on the update when a lot of the hosting companies started to force PHP 8 on their customers urging them to get their sites updated to PHP 8. Some of our customers had to move their sites to other hosting platforms that could still support PHP 7.4. We understand that it was a huge inconvenience to some of you. To remediate the situation we’ve added support for PHP 8 to all our classified ads scripts and some plugins. The update also offers a few features, improvements, and bug fixes.

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Generating Classified Ad Descriptions with OpenAI

OpenAI is an increasingly popular artificial intelligence platform with great potential that has yet to be fully utilized. If you are not familiar with OpenAI or its capabilities, this article will help you understand more about OpenAI and its products. We also want to evaluate the need for integrating OpenAI into our classified ads script based on the feedback that we’re going to get from you.

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Remote Storage – New plugin release

Today is one of those remarkable days in the history of our Company for two reasons. First, we’ve released a new plugin, the absence of which stopped a number of prospects from purchasing our classified ads software. Second, the new add-on is number 90 on our plugin list. Actually, we put the add-on, which would allow you to store media files in cloud storage, on our to-do list a few years ago. The day has come! Meet our new add-on called Remote Storage. The new Plugin allows you to offload the main server by transferring and storing photo and video files of listings and user avatars in cloud storage.

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How To Start A Car Rental Site

In this article, we’ll explore how to start a car rental website using our car classifieds script. This article is intended for individuals or small businesses looking for an easy, cost-effective way to enter the car rental industry. The car rental business can be a lucrative venture, especially in popular tourist destinations where travelers need a reliable mode of transportation. Our script can help you set up a user-friendly and secure car rental platform, enabling you to reach new customers and expand your business.

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Black Friday & Cyber Monday 2022

We’re starting the 2022 Black Friday promo! Don’t miss your chance to get a 30% discount on our classified ads scripts and other premium add-ons! Enjoy the discount to buy more plugins and themes for your project.

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Differences Between Membership Plans And Listing Packages

The membership plans and listing packages are the basic monetization tools in our classified ads and marketplace scripts. They are offered as part of the basic software functionality. So all you need to do is to choose if you want to use the membership plans or listing packages on your site and configure them from the admin panel. But when it comes to selecting from the two monetization options, the majority of our customers get stuck because they have difficulty understanding what is more suitable for their sites. We’ll try to explain the difference between the membership plans and listing packages so you could opt for the most suitable solution.

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How to Translate Your Marketplace into Another Language with Google Translate

Despite the fact that we continuously work on the translation of our products into other languages, it is not that easy to provide full multilingual support. In addition, we receive requests to add new languages on a regular basis. The automatic translation module that we have integrated into Classified Ads Script 4.9.1 allows you to get the phrases of the script, plugins, and mobile apps translated into any language available in Google Translate.

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